The Most Rev. Simon Ok Hyun-jin, DD, Archbishop of Gwangju, South Korea and Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, Provincial Superior of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus-St. Matthew Province signed the Memorandum of Agreement between the Archdiocese and the Rogationists, on December 20, 2024, at the Lifelong Education Center (Archbishop's House), 980 Sangmu-daero, Seo-gu, Gwangju, at 12:00pm. Fr. Daniel Kim Ho Yeol, RCJ, Fr. Noel Balquin, RCJ, Fr. Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, RCJ and Fr. Jonrey Lauron were present as witnesses. In the past years, the Rogationists have been part of the life and mission in the said Archdiocese, sharing the Rogate and journeying with Filipino and Vietnamese migrant workers in this local Church. During this same occasion, the good Archbishop exhorted the missionaries to be involved as well in ministering to the Korean laity, thus, encouraging them to know the Korean language. Let us continue to pray for the confreres in their mission.