Seminari Rogationis
Jalan Sto. Annibale, Kelurahan Wailiti
Maumere – Flores – NTT
86111 Indonesia
Fr. Henrikus Gualbertus
Responsible, Prefect of Discipline and of Studies of the Seminarians in Preparatory Year and [House and Formation Councilor of the Missionary Station]
Fr. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga
Vice Responsible, Spiritual Director of the Seminarians in Philosophy, In-Charge of the Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH), House and Formation Councilor, and Collaborator in the various activities of the Religious Community
Fr. Fredirikus Yorius Ndawi
Vice Prefect of Discipline and of Studies of the Seminarians in Preparatory Year, Treasurer of the Religious Community, Vocation Promoter, House and Formation Councilor, and Collaborator in the various activities of the Religious Community