Most sweet Jesus, you have travelled the dusty roads of Palestine sowing your words of pardon and peace, smiling with your eyes full of the infinite; you have healed so many unhappy poor people, bringing heaven to them; you have especially wanted to give our very own life for souls, immolating yourself on the cross.
Enkindle in us the flame of your zeal. You have called us near to you so that we may accomplish your very mission. Many souls are waiting for us. They are waiting for our sanctity! If we are inflamed by your zeal, they will become holy. If we do not reach the level of sanctity which you require from us, they too will remain imperfect. We are not alone in coming to you, behind us there are other souls whom we do not know and whom we must also guide. Let our hands be like yours, wide open to them. Inflame our hearts with the flame of your love. Make us see your face in the face of others. Amen.
The Vocation Promoter
Fr. Hannibal Formation Center
Rogationist Seminary Manila,
65 St. Hannibal Street, MervillePark
Paranaque City 1709
Email: [email protected]
Contact number: 09190940195
The Vocation Promoter
St. Hannibal Formation Center
Rogationist Seminary - Cebu
St. John Street, Don Bosco Village, Pleasant Homes Subdivision,
Punta Princesa, Cebu City
Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 09227666906
Biara Rogationis.
Jalan Don Slipi - Wailiti Maumere - Flores - Indonesia.
Contact No: 081272841762.
Email: [email protected]
Sideia Mission Center
c/o Catholic Diocese of Alotau-Sideia,
Bishop House
P.O. Box 105
Alotau, Milne Bay Province 211
Papua New Guinea